for Agency Owners Ready to Land bigger clients and hit $20,000+ per month

free training
discover the proven method that freelancers and agency owners are using to scale to multiple six figures in just 6 months
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Check out what you get inside the training 👇

  • How to set your business up with the rock solid foundations necessary to scale to 6 figures
  • How to go from underpaid service provider to a growing client list that pays you what you are worth
  • How to sell like a CEO and create drool worthy high ticket packages that have clients saying "shut up and take my money!"
  • ​How to use marketing and sales psychology to shift your brand from 'just like everyone else' to premium expert
  • ​How to streamline your business so you aren't working in it 24/7 and you can actually sit back and become the CEO of your six figure empire

So why should you even trust what I have to say... 👀

Oh heyyyy! 👋

My name is Suzy. I'm a marketer, agency owner, and accidental coach. 

Accidental? Yes. 

I didn't become a coach because it was 'trendy' and I don't take pictures in front of money balloons talking about my six figure months that are actually only attributed to my coaching. 

I'm a business owner that owns a successful marketing agency and I teach others how to do the same. 

I have been in the marketing industry for over 15 years with 7 years spent leading marketing and advertising strategy at Google. 

I have learned a lot throughout my career and have been given some amazing opportunities, including...
  • Working with global billion dollar businesses and learning their marketing strategy from the inside.
  • Working with top marketing agencies and getting to be a part of their growth story. 
  • Building my own marketing agency that I scaled fast all while still having a full time job and raising 3 babies at home! 
  • ​Quitting Google to do my own thing but getting asked to go back and speak on stage about how to build a business centered around your passion
I built my agency to six figures in less than 6 months and I'm teaching you how to do the same.

No fluff. No BS. No guru strategies. 

Just real strategies that are proven and have worked time and time again. 

I'm so excited to have you here. 💜

Free Training for freelancers and agency owners

Sign up below and i'll show the exact method that has scaled multiple agency owners to six figures in just a few months.

By opting in, you agree to receive emails from Suzy Crawford Coaching. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Here's what Happens When You implement the strategies i teach

Free Training for freelancers and agency owners

Sign up below and i'll show the exact method that has scaled multiple agency owners to six figures in just a few months.

By opting in, you agree to receive emails from Suzy Crawford Coaching. You can unsubscribe at any time.
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