Watch this video to learn how to:

Scale your agency to multiple 6 figures in just 6 months

without undercharging, working long hours, or burning out.

"This is like no other coaching program I have ever seen. SO MUCH VALUE. I'm 4 months in and about to hit $20K/M!"

- Meagan, Meagan & Co.

These results speak for themselves

Students see results within the first 30 days...check out their testimonials and case studies below!

How Shawnna increased her client to nearly $10K per month in retainer fees.

How Meagan scaled to $10K in 60 days and is on her way to $20K with less than 6 months inside the program.

How Sabrina went from charging $300 per month to $1800 per month after only 2 weeks inside the program.

"Freelancer to CEO is next level. I already have brought on new clients and I'm only 30 days in!" 

"I would highly recommend this program. It will seriously change your life!" 

When you are a part of an epic space, you get epic results.

Building your six figure agency doesn't have to be so hard...

Do you feel like you just don't know what to do next? 

Do you feel like you have so much to offer but just cannot seem to get your name out? 

Do you feel like you are waaaaay undercharging but have no idea how on earth you could actually get a client to pay you at least $1,000 per month? 

Do you want to hit at least $10K per month but have no idea how to even get there? 

Do you feel so overwhelmed by growing your business and want to take on new clients but can't figure out how to do it and not end up working around the clock?

I GET IT...this was me too. 

When I started my digital marketing business I had no idea how I was going to make it work. I was working a full time job at Google and also raising 3 little kids. 

I wasn't willing to quit my full time job, but was also determined to build a business that I could work on the side, and still be a mom.

...and I did. I built my six figure agency in a matter of months only working a few hours a week and signing high ticket clients every month. 

This is what I teach you inside Freelancer to CEO. 

Turning your SMM or digital marketing business into an agency doesn't have to be so hard - I'll show you how!

So if you're struggling to grow your business but know that you are destined for big things then this is for you. 

Freelancer to CEO has everything you need to hit six figures in just a few months. 

Freelancer to ceo gives you access to everything you need

Freelancer to ceo gives you access to everything you need

to build a multiple six figure agency.

Results that land you high ticket clients within the first 30 days

Clarity on the exact strategy that will get you to six figures and beyond

A community of like-minded driven women that are ready to build and support one another.

A lifeproof business that allows you to work from anywhere and actually enjoy life while doing it.

Results that land you high ticket clients within the first 30 days

Clarity on the exact strategy that will get you to six figures and beyond

A community of like-minded driven women that are ready to build and support one another.

A lifeproof business that allows you to work from anywhere and actually enjoy life while doing it.

Proven business strategies that will save you time and money...and help you transform your business into a six figure empire.

When you are a part of an epic space, you get epic results.

There is nothing this program doesn't have

INDUSTRY LEADING CONTENT: This is hands down, the most comprehensive training program that exists for service providers. The material inside the program covers everything from building to launching to scaling your service based business and the content is created by an expert that has built multiple businesses and held top positions at companies like Google™ and YouTube™.

NOTHING IS LEFT UNCOVERED: When we say comprehensive...we mean it. Inside Freelancer to CEO you are getting content that covers: 

👉Magnetic marketing
👉 Content marketing
👉 Copywriting
👉 Digital marketing 
👉 Funnels
👉 Ads
👉 Email writing
👉 Launch strategies
👉 Sales 
👉 and so much more

CLOSE-KNIT COMMUNITY & TOP TIER COACHING:  This is not a do-it-yourself type of program. Freelancer to CEO offers group coaching, Q&A calls, content audits, and a close-knit and active community. You will never feel alone and will have all the support that you need to scale beyond your wildest dreams. 

ONGOING LIVE TRAININGS: While your content is accessible on-demand, we continue to keep our content fresh and are consistently updating it. 

Proven business strategies that will save you time and money...and help you transform your business into a six figure empire.

Freelancer to CEO is for you if...


You are a social media manager or digital marketer that is ready to build a six figure agency 


You feel burned out by the hustle of getting more clients and working more hours, and feel like your income is capped.


You are ready to build a business using proven strategies and tactics that align with you and that work. 


You feel handcuffed to your 9-5 and want to build something that is yours. 


Standard price is $2,500. Current discount is limited to availability.

Join Freelancer to CEO

Pay in full
One time payment
    3 x payment plan
    3 monthly payments
      6 x payment plan
      6 monthly payments
        Click below to schedule a strategy call and discover how our proven method will scale your service based business to six figures in just a few months.


        Hi I'm Suzy!

        In case we haven't met yet let's do a quick intro. My name is Suzy Crawford and I'm a mom to 3 living with my beautiful and crazy family in California.

        I have been in the marketing industry for over 14 years with 7 years spent leading marketing and advertising strategy at Google. I have learned a lot throughout my career and have been given some amazing opportunities, including...

        ⭐️ Working with global billion dollar businesses and learning their marketing strategy from the inside.
        ⭐️ Working with top marketing agencies and getting to be a part of their growth story. 
        ⭐️ Building my own marketing agency that I scaled fast all while still having a full time job and raising 3 babies at home! 
        ⭐️ Quitting Google to do my own thing but getting asked to go back and speak on stage about how to build a business centered around your passion

        I am on a mission to empower women to go from side hustle to empire. 

        I'm so excited to have you here.

        Join Freelancer to CEO today!


        PHASE 1: OMFG I'm so excited I'm going to take over the world OMG LFG!!!!

        PHASE 2: OK wow building a business takes work but I'm so freaking glad I have a community and support team to help me. I can't believe I even got new clients and I'm only 2 weeks in??

        PHASE 3: I think I'm getting the hang of this and I actually have a waitlist of clients now...what!?!?

        PHASE 4: My business is growing every single month...yet here I am sipping mai tais in Hawaii...what is this life!?

        *Derived from a not so scientific but definitely very accurate study😏

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        27702 crown valley pkwy
        suite d-4
        ladera ranch, ca 92694
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